There are many myths around Hypnosis; three of the most common myths are…
Myth 1: A hypnotist might turn you into a chicken or pull some other silly or embarrassing tricks on you.
A clinical hypnotherapist would never do this. This is confusing a stage hypnotist with a therapeutic or clinical hypnotherapist. It is important to remember that Stage and Clinical hypnosis are two very different disciplines, though both processes work because the subject / client are willing to support the hypnotist.
Myth 2: You must be weak minded if you can be hypnotised.
The truth is that everyone can be hypnotised. As a matter of fact, each one of us is using hypnosis in some form every single day of our lives either consciously or unconsciously.
Myth 3: The hypnotist has complete control of my actions
Hypnosis requires voluntary participation on the part of the client. Usually, a person in the hypnotic state already determines his/her own level of participation in the process. Therefore, if a suggestion given is unacceptable you, it will simply be rejected and will usually startle you instantly out of hypnosis.
In the last century, stage/show hypnosis contributed significantly to remembering hypnosis, keeping it a household name to the public, due to this development, hypnosis has a one-sided image among society, which is predominately coined by negative and anxious aspects. It is important to remember that Stage and Clinical hypnosis are two very different disciplines.
Enough studies have now accumulated to suggest that the inclusion of hypnotic procedures may be beneficial in the management and treatment of a wide range of conditions and problems encountered in the practice of medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy. Research shows that hypnosis works as part of a treatment program for a number of psychological and medical conditions, with pain relief being one of the most researched areas. Among the benefits associated with hypnosis is the ability to alter the psychological components of the experience of pain that may then have an effect on even severe pain. There are many research papers citing the positive outcomes with Cancer patients, nausea and vomiting, hypnosis in childbirth, anaesthesiology, rehabilitation, smoking cessation and depression.
Setting and maintaining healthy professional boundaries are very important to any successful hypnotherapy practice. The potential impact of a Hypnotherapist who has personal limitations and boundaries are huge. The hypnotherapist needs to undertake a rigorous self-examination on their work, practice and evaluate, if necessary referring clients to the relevant medical specialist/organisations.
That is why is is so important to select an effective registered hypnotherapist either by referral from your doctor/friends and /or looking at the various websites/ associations recommendations.